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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

SEX: Problem? or Solver?

So I haven't had anything move me enough recently to put pen to paper or fingers to keys. So I asked some of the soon to be readers what they wanted to read about. the response was redundant, resounding, and damn near unanimous: SEX. Bunch of freaks I'm around I know, but sex its a lil too easy. Then one reader narrowed down the topic but asking me what I thought about what one of her friends told her. "Sex can about solve 80% of people's problems" she said. So i took to the keys...

Horny? Have sex. Bad/ bitter mood? Have sex. Want a baby? Have sex. That's 3 problems that sex can solve. Now I don't know bout y'all, but those 3 things aren't even problems for me, and if those 3 things are 80% of any of your problems, then ya not doing too bad. Most of you guys have student loans to pay off, that's a huge problem, and I don't care how good ya horizontal game is, NOBODY is sexing Fannie Mae to solve that problem. As a matter of fact, the more I think about it sex probably is the root of probably over 80% of problems people have. 

Ask yourself how many times shit got better once you start getting it in on the regular. I mean most people aren't as pissed off all the time, but problems don't get solved. I know plenty of broke nymphos, they didn't have money before they were nymphos, and haven't gotten money since. Some actually lose money behind buying shit to impress people so they can have more sex lol. Money is generally a big problem for people, probably bigger than 20% of a person's problems in the grad scheme of things, and does sex solve that problem?

Depends I guess. But to me, Sex doesn't solve any problems, it creates them. Lets stick with money for a stretch, that's a big problem most can relate to. Now someone tell me how sex can put money in ya pocket without selling it. Go head I'll wait....
Now lets use sex to solve that money issue, if your down with hoeing, than do ya thing, I never judge anyone. Sex doesn't pay bills though. I said earlier that bad, or bitter moods can be solved by sex. Most people would agree with that, but after further review, if the person your having sex with is the cause of ya bad moods, then chances are that's by design, so the fix u get after taking em down is just temporary. Often times that kind of situation becomes cyclical, thus making sex the corner stone of that problem. We all know people who in that situation. So nearest I can figure is that sex doesn't solve too many, and books have been written about the problems sex causes (I'm assuming this. If not authors start researching because that's a market filled with potential lol). At the most sex like drugs and alcohol help make you feel better for a stretch, but once your off that, the problem remains.


  1. Well put AJ,

    i agree... only problems sex solve are "horniness" and headaches....

  2. O.M.G.

    I love this. I was just talking to someone and said the same thing: Sex just causes problems.

    I'm so glad a guy said it.


  3. Loved it!

    Most people say sex solves problems and for them (mostly female) it probably does. They have sex, their cell bill gets paid. They have sex, they get a new outfit and if they put it down, they might get shoes. They have sex, their rent is paid. See this is solving problems but what they don't understand is that they are tricking, hoeing, selling it...whatever is a better term for their self-confidence. Most females get upset when I say this but hey, it is what it is. Prostitutes have sex for money/drugs sooooo whats the difference from the "average" female? It may come in the form of a receipt as proof your bill has been paid but its still service for payment, right? Nevertheless, it still causes a problem b/c once guy gets tired of you, he moves on and your bills are left unpaid.

    Brother we ought to pair up and talk about this...these folks wouldnt be ready. LOL

  4. Well said Cokoa. Not only do the bills stop getting paid, but the majority of women dont realize the emotional damage they do to themselves, behind that shit. What is baby girl's self worth if she using her sex as currency. We can def do a joint effort, too. get viral vlogs goin too.

  5. CLAP CLAP CLAP.... well done Mister!

    I have to agree that sex creates more problems than solve them. Taking the fact that you just touched on money, but there are so many females and few males that want to live a life style that they aren't accustoned too that they are willing enough to have sex to get them to that point of being "fabolous". They want new Louis bags, Prada shoes, phone bill paid, rent paid and in their eyes they are the flyest shit walking the streets but when your sex game is washed up and they move on to the next... how do they sleep at night knowing that they need to find the next person to put in a little work to keep you in gucci and more?

    Everyone loves the idea of a " Suga Momma & Daddy" but no one is willing to put in the work to have a husband or wife where you get to benefit from everything and have sex just cause you can.

    Sex clouds the bigger picture.

    I come up with some good questions!
