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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Missed a Week

Back on my blogging shit yall, missed yall. Lotta things happening over the last 9 days since and I haven't had a chance to put pen to paper or fingers to keys.

Off top we'll touch on the importance of yesterday's election. Twitter fb and I'm sure all the other social networks were flooded with rhetoric about the importance of voting and what to vote for. Now although I play at being a clown all the time, I am well aware of the or the social economic and political plight that we all share as Americans. Now whether our votes count or matter is a completely different issue, but there is no excuse for being uninformed on what the machine in this country is doing. One cannot complain about a flawed system if one does not at least try to participate in it before lamenting how broken the political system is. Further more I find it irresponsible to vote while being uninformed. All that being said, I now want to speak to the young men and women who take these issues seriously, be vigilant. Too often we (myself included) are active and aggressive in attentive to our politicians around election time when they are trying to get our votes. Meanwhile they coast under the radar during their terms in office hiding behind political lines and red tape, and in my District's case, getting caught taking bribes through "Preacher's handshakes". I am going to ,make an effort to play closer attention to our elected officials during their terms of service and hold them accountable as policies are being made instead of retroactively being critical of votes and decisions made months prior. Lastly, Politics is serious business, so please do not trivialize the efforts of those trying to make change in our world by pretending to be interested in politics around election time because Diddy made Voting trendy. 

Next order of business, my last posting was an NBA preview, thus far my Lakeshow has been impressive as have Celtics, and the Heat- despite their opening night stumble against Gang Green. But the season is still young, so be on the lookout for Position breakdowns, the leagues top players, after Hoops is what I do. But the sports world is a buzz with something I think is way more relevant and that is whats been going on in Minnesota. A few weeks back the Vikings acquired Randy Moss from the New England Patriots. Figuring teaming him up with attention whore and ESPN publicist client Brett Farve would help resuscitate a franchise that has bent over backwards for the 41 year old QB. 

Lets start with Moss. No secret he's had his issues, but be clear, this man is a Hall of Fame receiver, and in today's day and age of professional athletes that's usually par for the course. Irving Friar, Chris Carter, and Michael Irvin are current NFL hall of famers who had their share of character issues in the past. Moss has never been criminally convicted of anything, his run ins with the law include bumping a police officer with his car at a traffic stop. When questioned about his fine for the offense, he said he'd pay for it in "straight ash homie". White folks couldn't have liked that. Now the charges of him quitting on his team and being a baby are legitimate. He has done some selfish things in his day and has not always been a team player. That's inexcusable, but his punishments definitely do not fit his crimes. Moss has been painted as a villain his entire career, Minnesota, Oakland (where no one has excelled except for Darren McFadden this season), and his final season in New England. In a week where the media were trying to bait him into fanning flames about his return to Foxboro, the embattleled Moss wanted nothing more than to be left alone as his emotions were all a stir. Instead, he was fined $25,000 by the NFL for not being accessible to the media as the league mandates. To combat that Moss promised that we would conduct his own interviews to the media for the remainder of the season. This would fulfill his media obligations to the league while giving him some control on what is written about him. I also think it was a big "fuck you" to the NFL. In turn he was waived by the Vikings. The Vikings say it was his post game love fest for New England that caused head coach Brad Childress to pull the trigger. BULLSHIT! Be clear, Childress is a lame duck coach, and should be fired as soon as the Vikings are mathematically eliminated from any post season contention. Childress has grossly mismanaged that entire team because of his man crush on Farve. Childress thought Moss would revive his dying team. When that didn't happen he took the cowardly and easy way out by releasing him under false pretenses. This coward of a coach also threw his man crush Farve under the bus two weeks ago by criticizing his quarterback's bad decisions in a postgame interview. Now Moss is the topic of another story On ESPN because of a Coward's inability to face the music. I have the utmost sympathy for Moss who has been living under a microscope during his entire NFL career. His time in New England he proved capable of being a god teammate and citizen. Its bad enough that most of the professional athletes are discarded by their teams once their production slips. That's though of as a business decision. But when the field hands go public about wanting to be paid their worth they become selfish and not team oriented. I agree with Moss, loyalty i something to be earned, not given, and to whoever the next suitor is for Moss be warned, treat him the way you want him to treat your franchise.  

By the way, if there's anything yall want me to touch on please leave your suggestions in the comments. Forward the blog to anyone who'll read it all feedback is good feedback. See yall soon

1 comment:

  1. I can only give you Kudos on this blog B.O.S.S.

    Politics is overlooked by many as you said until election time. People become political gurus and can only discuss what they see on campaign advertisements. What people must realize is that what they see on television is stretched truth that has been reviewed by attorneys to be sure they can get right to the line without being accused of slander.

    People get so caught up in the "party" that they forget the issues and the people who will be at the receiving line of these issues (that would be each of you reading this comment). People "rep their blue and red all day errrday" and forget to read between the lines of what exits politicians' mouths.

    People don't get pimped by the game...educate yourself so you can help run the game. You may think your vote doesn't matter but your voice does and your neighborhoods, community leaders, Representatives, Senators, etc are given the green light to do as they please when you keep your mouth closed AND your vote to yourself.

    If you don't participate, don't complain. Just tuck your tail and your head and assume your position of being inferior just as they want you.
