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Friday, November 19, 2010

Still Chuckin & Jivin

I cant stand Flava mother fucking Flav! This coon continues to offend me more and more. I wanna know how you can go from fighting the power with Chuck D and Public Enemy to this shit. Flav is responsible for a lotta fucked up shit we watch on TV right now. He's the first "reality show star" I can point to that spawned the ignorant buffoonery VH1 shows America on a nightly basis. That networks reality programming department owes its existence to this clown. He started off on one of VH1's post superstar shows and he's let his ignorant nigger-dom for lack of a better term to carry him to the top of the house nigger entertainment industry. I'm convinced that if there is a camera anywhere around Flav he will proceed to act a complete ass and embarrass black people until the camera goes off. So its one thing to tap for the white puppet masters at VH1, I mean I'm not at all surprised at a minstrel show actor like Flav to do black face shit for a check, but now he's crossed the line. Now this buffoon is taking his brand into the consumer world by trying to sell us his own brand of liquor and fried chicken. No for real, the poster boy niggers, is doing more nigger shit and he needs to be stopped. I feel like next will be Flav pushing his own brand of pistol holsters next. We all know that his good friends at VH1 won't be buy FFC (Flava Fried Chicken. I'm not kidding, check out the story on this site http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/news/id.13041/title.flavor-flav-to-launch-fried-chicken-franchise-and-liquor-line.) or his bubble gum flavored vodka. I try not to wish harm on anyone, but I also think people should get treated they way they deserved to be treated, with that said, I vote to tar and feather this coon for crimes against the advancement of black people as a race. Do me a favor, please ignore the hell out of Flava Flav and let us all hope this coon fades into obscurity.

1 comment:

  1. I must be very honest; I didn't click on the link as I refuse to even subject my intelligent mind to such mess. The reality is Flav is "favored" not just because the slave master has changed his title to puppet master but that we as people of color support this idiotic bs. We laugh and rally in front of the t.v., tweet about it, FB about it, and give it all the attention our families and communities deserve.

    The hype of Flav to me is no different from the hype of Antoine Dodson. Sure it’s funny at first but then it’s like okay...can we learn from this and stop it please? No, the fame is continued by VH1, WET (white entertainment television known to the world as BET), and countless other television production companies and internet sites. Not only is it continued, it’s condoned by the public.

